A Parent’s Guide to Preparing for Primary School

Primary School

Parenthood can be challenging at the best of times, and if you’ve made it throught the terrible threes and fours, your next challenge is supporting your child as they enter a new arena. Primary school is their introduction to formal learning, and while kindergarten and preschool do prepare the child, it is still a big leap, and with that in mind, here is a guide to help you prepare for this new and exciting chapter in your child’s life.

  • Selecting a School – The six years of primary education are very much the formative years for your child, and your choice of primary school needs to be carefully chosen. Every learning organisation is unique, and some are more focused on academics than others. Research shows that the best learning occurs with a hands-on approach, so look for a school that uses project based learning, something that harnesses the children’s interests, and when you are browsing school sites, pay particular attention the the school’s mission and visison statements, as this will help you to understand the school’s direction.
  • School Uniform – While the school might recommend a retailer that supplies their uniforms, there are online solutions that work out much cheaper, and any school uniform can be replicated. An online supplier of school wear would stock everything you could possibly need, and with a range of attractive schoolgirl uniforms that are both stylish and durable, and with accessories like belts, socks and hats, you can make it a one stop shop and that’s one more item to tick off the list.
  • Preparing your Child – There will be a degree of anxiousness, which is natural when a young person is entering a strange new environment for the first time, and for some children, primary school can seem a daunting challenge. If the school is a combined primary and secondary, then your child will be mixing with teenagers, and while this is not a bad thing, it is a little overwhelming for a 6 year old. Take your child to the school a couple of times prior to the start date, and this will help your child to familiarise themselves with the up and coming environment, and by discussing the new school in an upbeat way, any reservations will soon fade.

It is a good idea to take your time over a primary school selection, as this will be where your child learns the academic basics, and a bad start can be difficult to remedy. The first 6 years of formal education are critical if you want your child to have a solid foundation that allows him or her to fulfil their full potential, and no one knows your child better than you, which means you can provide the right support when it is needed. Once you have sourced all the uniform items, there’s little to do wait for that first morning, which will be the start of a new chapter in your child’s life.